Take a look at this ghoulish group. This year we decided to go with the classic monster movie theme. Emily was our resident vampire. Brandon and awesome werewolf, Aubrey a sweet witch and Tyson a mumbling mummy. This Halloween was a busy time for us this year. We had one activity after another. Friday night consisted of a fall festival at the elementary school. The kids got to do a couple of activities and some trick or treating. After that we were off to the Halloween party at Aubrey's preschool. They were able to eat awesome snacks and play some pretty fun games and win some great prizes. While all this was happening I had a soccer game going on in the women's league that I am in, so it was nice to have Spencer's parents in for the weekend to help out with all the running around. So on to Saturday we had the combined ward Trunk or Treat and our adult Halloween party that Spencer and I hosted after the trunk or treat for all our great friends. We had lots of good food and company. This year with Halloween being on Sunday we THOUGHT that Halloween might be a little less crowed at the house but you wouldn't have known any different. We still decked out our house as usual and handed out candy to all the kids that came. We had fun being together as a family and I think that my kids would all agree that Halloween is one of the best celebrations of the year. The Hatch's definitely know how to do Halloween. I think it's just in the blood.